Wife, Mother, and Teacher Grateful for Lessons Learned
 Mary and Michael LaLoggia
"Theology of the Body set before my husband and me the divine plan for the Sacrament of Marriage --- a challenge, a mystery, a call to trust each other, our Lord, and the teachings of His Church."
Click here to read Mary's entire TOB Testimony. | Upcoming Courses
| TOB I "Head & Heart" Immersion Course taught by Christopher West
When: March 1-6, 2009
Where: Black Rock Retreat Center Quarryville, PA
Early Registration Ends December 1, 2008*
Click here for more information or to register.
*Courses often sell out prior to the early registration deadline.
The January, 2009 "Head & Heart" course is SOLD OUT.
Click here to see the complete 2009 Calendar.
| | | Weigel: There Is No Match for Theology of the Body
"The teachings of John Paul II's Theology of the Body offer a healing vision of human sexuality that the dominant culture simply can't match." Click here to read the full article from ZENIT
| | | A Message from Christopher West
In light of the recent elections, my contribution to this month's newsletter is my most recent column on the subject, reprinted below. I also encourage you to read the attached blog of an evangelical friend of mine, Mike Metzger entitled "Appetites and Appetizers." It demonstrates how the Spirit is blowing in many, many Christians today calling for a new langauge and approach in the way Christians address questions of sexuality.
Sex, Happiness, and the Presidential Election
The election of an African American president shows just how far our nation has come in addressing its racial prejudices. This is a sign of hope in which we should all rejoice. For our nation has demonstrated that it can change its wrong-held beliefs, even deep-seated ones. That's a good thing, because I'd contend that our nation's embrace of Barack Obama points to some other deep-seated beliefs that we will eventually need to change if we are ever to flourish as a people.
It should go without saying that my reservation about Obama has absolutely nothing to do with his skin color. Rather, it has to do with fundamental issues of life and death and love and sex that Obama believes are "above his pay grade." Well, I'd like to lobby for Obama to receive an increase in salary so that he can take a deeper look at what does and does not lead to human happiness and the flourishing of a nation.
It comes up during every presidential election. Eight years ago, during the Bush-Gore "chad saga," Francis Fukuyama, professor of public policy at George Mason University, summarized it well in his Wall Street Journal article entitled "What Divides America." The real debate, he argued, is not over foreign policy or the economy. The real issues, he said, stem from our understanding of and approach to sex.
He wrote: "The single most important social change to have taken place in the United States over the past forty years concerns sex and the social role of women, and it is from this single source that virtually all of the 'culture wars' stem."
| Appetites and Appetizers by: Mike Metzger
"If you want your teenage daughter to avoid pregnancy (or your son to not get a girl pregnant), turn off the racy TV shows. If you want your teenager to abstain from sex until marriage, stay away from church. If the first suggestion makes sense and the second doesn't, read on."
| Help us Build Holy Families This month's testimony by Mary, a TOBI student, wife and mother, shows how Theology of the Body can transform and aid the nucleus of our society- the family. This season, consider making a gfit to society and to families by supporting the programs of Theology of the Body Institute. We know that times are financially challenging and we hope you will see the lasting effect your gift of $100, $50 or $25 can make. Every gift is tax deductible and will go directly to bring John Paul II's revolutionary teachings on the human person to clergy, laity and society as a whole. Make your end of the year gift today! | | Mission Statement The mission of the Theology of the Body Institute is to educate and train men and women to understand, live and promote the Theology of the Body.
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