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The THEOLOGY OF THE BODY & MEDIA LITERACY blog of Sr. Helena Raphael Burns, fsp #medianuns
December 22, 2020
December 20, 2020
Here's a follow-up to my post of 2/23/2020:
December 19, 2020
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photo by Matt Collamer / Unsplash |
--Sacredness of Human Life & the Dignity of the Human Person
--Family, Community & Participation
--Rights & Responsibilities
--Option for the Poor & Vulnerable
--Dignity of Work & Rights of Workers
--Care for God's Creation
for more information:
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December 18, 2020
AGAIN!!! "Home For Christmas" Virtual Concert WATCH PARTY! Join us Tuesday, Dec. 22-- 7:30pmET for LIVE Q&A with Choir Sisters followed by Concert! LIVE on our "Daughters of St. Paul Choir" FB page, Twitter & YouTube dishing on behind-the-scenes tour stories & more! Get your ?s ready!
December 13, 2020
My article for the Catholic Register here:
December 2, 2020
Daughters of St. Paul FREE Christmas Concert LINK is here!
November 8, 2020
3-hour virtual retreat with Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity November 14!
October 26, 2020
Although “Get On Up” (the James Brown story) is a 2014 film, and I generally review only recent films, I must pause during this year from hell (2020) and honor the film, the man, the music and the actor, Chadwick Boseman.
I wanted to see “Get On Up” when it first came out, but I didn’t make it to the cinema in time. Then it wasn’t available for streaming on Netflix (and I no longer have a Netflix DVD subscription). I finally just borrowed it from a Boston Public Library and am so glad I did.
The filmmaking is pretty superb. I’m convinced that filmmaking about musicmaking is an extremely challenging genre all its own, and GOU nails it. The film reminded me very much of “Bohemian Rhapsody” (the story of Queen) in several ways. First of all, the performers’ lifestyle shenanigans are sanitized, making it a truly PG-13 film. For younger music lovers, I tell parents: go ahead and let your 13+yo’s watch both films. The history of popular music is woven into history in general, and in the case of James Brown, American history in particular, and is important to know and—if it’s quality—enjoy. Also, the 4 purposes of Media Literacy are--according to one of my mentors, the Australian ML great, Dr. David Considine--protection, preparation, participation and, yes, pleasure.
After a slow, episodic start flashing back to James’ impoverished and abused childhood in Georgia, the story picks up not speed but depth. From his youngest years, James, and many of those around him, always believed he was going to be some kind of bright light. (There’s a delightful scene where an up-and-coming Little Richard both prophesies to and advises his contemporary.) It wasn’t clear at first that James' fame and fortune was going to be through music, but James always had that special something: drive, persistence, fierce determination, raw willpower, and not only prodigious musical ability but business smarts that changed the music industry forever. This fact is all the more marvelous in that he was “coming from behind,” as a Southern Black man in the first half of the twentieth century. But he knew how to leverage his talent and notoriety to the maximum, never blinked in the face of the odds, demanded (and got) respect at every turn.
The flashbacks to the very young James Brown are highly effective to understanding the man. His mother (Viola Davis, always stellar at playing a hard luck woman) left both him and his violent father. His father then deposited him with his aunt (Octavia Spencer, always locked-in playing an earth mother—so out of character and scary when she’s not!). Aunt Honey greatly believed in him. While making him work hard, she taught him to believe in himself and the art of the hustle. Although James found much support around him throughout his life: an adoptive family, a “friend who sticks closer than a brother,“ his two wives (only two of his three wives are in the film) and children, his business manager (a weathered Dan Akroyd, still speaking in his thick, clipped Ottawa Valley accent), his band (a very serious Craig Robinson as a saxophonist)—the rejection of his parents wounded him profoundly. He was a lonely superstar who found it almost impossible to trust anyone but himself.
Was God in the picture of James’ life? Oh, definitely. God was a given. Where James came from, God, prayer, Scripture were a part of everyday life and speech and figured into everything. James acknowledged his gift was from above, and we frequently go back to an experience he had during childhood of a joyous praise revival at a church, replete with a dancing congregation; a soulful, jazzy brass band; and a flamboyant minister dressed to the nines who screeched “Love God!” and “Have faith!” while spinning like a whirling dervish. Easily a big contributor to James’ influences.
His faults are on full display: arrogant, overbearing, fining and withholding wages from his band and his staff. One brief scene of him beating his second wife, DeeDee (the always lovely Jill Scott), is hard to watch. His one loyal friend (ultimately, James returns the loyalty) was with him from the start: Bobby Byrd (an appropriately understated performance by Nelsan Ellis).
How is racism portrayed? Lightly. We see the “banality of evil” in James’ childhood as he casually steals dress shoes off a lynched Black man’s corpse, still hanging from a tree. I think the prejudice is downplayed because what’s emphasized is James turning the tables. He required all to call him “Mr. Brown” and “Sir,” as he swiftly and deftly changed the rules of every game—to his favor. The famous quelling of a potential riot during a gig in Boston right after Martin Luther King’s assassination is played up. I was disappointed not to see his spontaneous chant: “I’m Black and I’m proud” that actually transpired there—but it was shown later in a recording studio with JB and a gaggle of kids.
In addition to Mick Jagger being a producer, I think a lot of actors wanted in on this biopic, and so you’ll see a hilarious cameo by Allison Janney as a bigoted white woman won over by the infectious James Brown sound. (While we’re at it, can someone please tell me why James Brown is the “Godfather of Soul” and not the “Godfather of FUNK”? I never understood that. I mean, didn’t he essentially INVENT funk? Perhaps he didn’t develop funk like Bootsy Collins and George Clinton, but I always associate James Brown with bringing the funk. Isn’t that what we love about his music, why it stands out? Perhaps he’s the “grandfather,” not “godfather” of funk.)
Now. Chadwick Boseman. Chadwick works magic in every way, imitating the physical swagger, mirroring the attitude, pinning down the stage persona and moves, as well as maintaining the James Brown rasp throughout the depictions of his later life. To tell you the truth, it was hard to understand some of the dialogue (as it was often hard to understand the real JB). James Brown is to rasp what Bob Dylan is to mumble. Incidentally, or not so incidentally, Brown and Boseman were both born in South Carolina. Chadwick did all of his own dancing for the film and some singing. The soundtrack was live performances of JB.
Towards the beginning of the film, we only get snippets of James’ performances—an excellent device that builds anticipation for his full-on shows featuring some of his greatest hits, dance moves and dancing chicks. (Also, may I interject: best Superbowl halftime show ever? Just because it was James Brown, no other reason. The cape alone could have carried it off by itself.)
“Although he is the writer of virtually every song he recorded, his immense power as a performer made him better known as a concert superstar, singer and recording artist. ... As a singer, Brown's style evolved over the years but never strayed from his roots in gospel and soul music.”
James Brown was an incredible spirit, an incredible American whose exuberant, electrifying music will endure wherever people need to Get On Up and dance for joy.
October 12, 2020
My article: "Ladies, You're Being Lied To: You CAN'T Have It All"… via @CatholicRegistr
My article: "Why We Desperately Need Good Fathers"… via @CatholicRegistr
My article: "It’s Time To Cancel 'Cancel Culture’"… via @CatholicRegistr
September 20, 2020
An abridged, CLICKABLE version of this blog post is available at Our Sunday Visitor!
(This blog post was originally an article for OSV.)
A much longer list of Catholic podcasts is at the bottom of this blog post, AFTER my diatribe.
The bizarre year that is 2020 has drastically altered almost every aspect of our lives, including our media habits.
Whether or not we are major users of digital media or not, we are all swimming more and more in media-saturated environments, and most likely the people we interact with on a regular basis have their minds and hearts filled with the latest movies, audio books, YouTubes, GIFs, songs, TikTok vids, tweets, memes, sports scores, breaking news alerts, texts, Instagram posts, videogames, Facebook rants or viral sensations they just partook of. (In my media workshops to priests and seminarians we discuss that to “smell like the sheep” today means “smelling” like the mediated pastures the people in the pews are perpetually grazing in.)
We each have to discern who, what, when, where, why and how we will engage in today’s smorgasbord of information, inspiration and entertainment--but if we’re involved in any kind of pastoral guidance of others (looking at you, parents), we must be keenly aware of the power, presence and content contained in the dazzling digital behemoths that our particular sheep (and lambs) are accessing.
Podcasts (episodic audio shows, literally “portable on demand broadcasts”) have gone through several iterations since their birth, circa 2004. “Audioblogging” began on the internet, and then the technology was developed to acquire the content on mobile devices. The amount and variety of podcasts available today is staggering. It’s the perfect outlet for the plebeian creator because it can be easily and cheaply produced with simply the human voice, and doesn’t require visuals or more importantly, it doesn’t require the visual attention of its users—ideal for multitasking and background imbibing. Unlike live radio, you can listen when it’s convenient for you, pausing and “rewinding” at will. Today, you can find a niche podcast for just about any arcane interest on earth, and sign up for automatic downloads of each show as it comes out.
Have people’s use of podcasts increased, stayed the same, or decreased during the pandemic? According to studies, there was a sharp decrease in April due to the lockdown (the majority of people listen to podcasts during commutes to work or school), but by July, numbers bounced back to pre-pandemic levels. According to Spotify, the rise and fall of regular podcast usage in various locales around the world is directly correlated to the level of Covid-19 outbreaks and surges. However, a minority who never seemed to have the luxury of getting into podcasts (and other forms of media) finally indulged when normal life slowed down…and got hooked. Podcast listening while doing housework increased, but many parents, newly quarantined at home, noted that their podcast diet had dwindled to nil due to the soundtrack of omnipresent munchkins: “My single friends keep sending me 3 hour+ podcasts. Are they crazy?!”
Have new podcasts begun on account of the pandemic? Indeed! Not focusing on the pandemic, but again, some “finally had the time,” or felt the need to do something to stay connected in a time of deep isolation.
I did an informal poll on “Catholic Twitter”—around 1,000 responses from my 38,000 followers and their followers--as to their favorite podcasts. Below is a carefully curated list for your listening pleasure. (These must be outstanding podcasts, because my poll rendered the highest percentage of folks keeping their podcast listening steady during the pandemic.) Another informal Twitter poll I did (225 responses) resulted in the reality that a majority of Catholics who listen to podcasts do avail themselves of Catholic podcasts (57%) which is good news. Of course, the respondents are already geeky Twitterati….
Rather than a podcast maven, I’m more of a radio, app and YouTube fangirl. However, I often use radio, apps and YouTubes in podcast fashion: listening to stored radio shows, and listening to YouTubes (audio only) that are also podcasts (some podcasters film themselves simultaneously) or that don’t really require watching. Additionally, in today’s truly multimedia milieux, you can go directly to Catholic media personalities’/organizations’ websites, as well as interact on their social media accounts.
There are some podcasts, radio shows and YouTube channels that I didn’t include here, although I avidly listen to them. Why not? Because I take in a wide swath of secular and Catholic media: information, news, editorials, social commentary, etc., and it’s important for me as a Daughter of St. Paul (#medianuns) to keep abreast of the conversation going on in our divided country and Church, in order to try to “help form a correct public opinion” (Constitutions of the Daughters of St. Paul). Some of these media channels go too far: mudslinging, ad hominem attacks, shouting matches, flirting with sedevacantist terrority, alt-left/alt-right, my-way-or-the-highway, infighting, heresy, unverifiable end times/apocalyptic discourse, private revelations, disobedience, sketchy fact-checking, etc. And yet, certain unpleasantries, hard truths and wrongdoings must be exposed. Tone-deaf Titanic deck chair happy talk in the midst of severe crises is not the way to go in my book. The truth in charity is the hardest thing to do. And I’d just like to say that Fr. Mike Schmitz wins the “veritas in caritas” prize here. (And I say this even though Father repeatedly snubs speaking at a particularly worthy, large Canadian Catholic conference. He knows what he did--or rather didn’t do. It’s on his conscience).
Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list, and obviously, I have not listened to all these podcasts myself, but I have vetted them as best I could with the following criteria: helpful, enriching, faithful and often delightful. I take no responsibility for any particular content or any particular podcaster. I take no responsibility for any podcast/podcaster that goes haywire in any way in the future. Furthermore, I have been a guest on several of these podcasts, but I have not been bribed, sponsored or remunerated for promoting them. I’m sorry (or maybe sorry not sorry in some cases) if you’re favorite podcast is not listed. Don’t @ me.
I only have a few YouTube channels/podcasts that I follow. Why? Because life is short. Because I am a nun, and just like Moms and Dads whose first duty is the kiddos, my first duty is being a spiritual Mom and attending to the needy souls in my care. I also have lots of prayer times, duties, community life (digital media can be solitary), other interests and hobbies, AND as a #medianun, I'm also creating media!
But besides all that, we only get One Life To Live and we will never, ever,
ever be able to “keep up” with all the amazing digital (or other media) content out there. So
pick a few and let the rest go.
If you’re a knowledge glutton like I am, (and need to trim down your media
consumption) consider this from The Imitation of Christ: "Learning is not to be condemned, nor the knowledge of anything, which is good in itself...but a good conscience and a virtuous life are always to be preferred." "Many make it more their study to know well than to live well...." "When the day of judgment comes, we shall not be examined on what we have read, but on what we have done...." --Book I Chapter III.
Because, guess what? In the evening of life, we will be judged on love, not on
how “in the know” we were. And as Peter Kreeft wisely says: "If we want to pray at all, we're going to have to say 'no' to something else."
--Do you want to start listening to podcasts but don’t really understand how they work? Just Google a tutorial!
--Young people are already heavy podcast
users, so share this list with them. Young adults and screenagers aren’t just
listening to dope beats in those headphones.
--Don’t be that ignorant Catholic. Educate your soul. Pick a podcast or two.
--My final podcast recommendation is from a Twitter padre: “The best podcast is the one that keeps you close to Christ,” to which I say, Amen.
FUN/FUNNY (billed
as such):
Papist—Fr. Brad Doyle (Baton Rouge diocese) “The QP
episodes are more trivia
and more fun, the CT episodes are more catechetical”
Forte Catholic—“bringing the joy of the Gospel to you and your
crew—fun discussions and fantastic
The Crunch—interesting, thoughtful, entertaining: two young adult Catholics’
take on Church and life
“The only comedy podcast that gets
you to heaven.”
Catholic Talk Show—“featuring Ryan
DellaCrosse, Ryan Scheel, and Fr. Rich Pagano, the show is
hilarious, entertaining, and informative”
Catching Foxes—two college friends
discuss faith and culture. Casual and funny.
The Burrowshire Podcast—Word on
Fire’s Brandon Vogt and some other Millennial
Hagamos Lio—(Spanish) formerly
agnostic young adults in Mexico discuss their doubts about love, God, marriage,
the Trinity, etc.
The Holy Ruckus—stirring things
up--in a holy way (check the Latin flava)
Fr. Mike Schmitz—a Catholic take on today’s
most controversial issues: Fr. Mike can always be counted on to tell you the truth with the
utmost charity and a side of goofy. You’ll be proud to share with friends.
Thirty Minutes with the Perrys—this
dynamic Christian duo of hubby and wife excel at poetry
jam/spoken word performance and undiluted life lessons for the under 30
God and Comics—3 priests talks about
God and Comics…pretty obvi
A Catholic Priest Talks About—Father
Jack, short explanations of different Catholic topics
School of the 815--@fatherblood815
& @NSentovich faith, evangelization
Outcast Catholic—Two Iowa priests
reach out to those who feel distant from the Church
Pursuit of Holiness—young adult Catholics
Ryan, Kar and Kate have their priorities straight
Arise—young Catholic adults in
NPR Technology Podcast—tech news you
can use
CNET Podcast Central—the premiere
tech news website has several podcasts
This Week in Tech—tech news you can
Get WIRED—the-all-things-tech-and-futuristic
magazine’s in-depth tech stories
Catholic Chimney—the latest trends
on Catholic social media
The Big Tree—seminarians in training
to use media as an evangelizing tool (lots of interviews
with Catholic media peeps)
New York
Times Review of Books--interviews with authors or reviewers
Bookmark (EWTN)—the latest and
greatest in Catholic reading
Mars Hill Audio Magazine—($ digital
subscription) Ken Myer (former NPR producer) hosts a
bi-monthly conversation with
Catholic and Christian authors. Highbrow. Lots of history, theology,
and philosophy with an eye to
cultural currents. Yum.
The Daily Poem—hosted by an Orthodox
Christian… lots of Catholic poems
The Tolkien Professor—all things
Tolkien by astute ancient-to-medieval literature expert, Dr. Corey
Risking Enchantment—(made in Ireland
by Rachel Sherlock) all things bright and beautiful
Mystery Through Manners—Catholic
storytelling, Catholic authors
The Well-Read Catholic—a cyberspace Catholic
book club
Steven Greydanus’ Decent Films—movie
reviewer for National Catholic Register, but widely featured elsewhere
Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast—“devoted to works of high artistic caliber
and Catholic interest,
exploring the Vatican top 100 film list and beyond.”
Common Sense Media—secular media
reviews for parents. Extremely helpful and spot-on age
recommendations. Very moral.
Plugged In—Focus on the Family’s
excellent up-to-date reviews of every kind of kid/teen media out
Hell Burns Movie Reviews— Sr. Helena’s 90-second fiercely-opinionated audio movie reviews
Catholic Coaster—Grab a beverage
(thus, “coaster”) and join Lance, Katie and Dan each week for some “authentic conversation with people who don’t take themselves too
seriously” (subtle, self-effacing Canadian humor)
The Catholic Hipster—Tommy Tighe and
Sarah Vabulas (of Catholic Drinkie podcast fame: “home-
brewed evangelism, blessed with the
discernment of spirits”) talk about “the Catholic Faith and
anything hipster. They interview some of the big names in Catholic new
media about their
experiences growing up Catholic and what we can do to attract and
educate Catholics.”
The Cordial Catholic—K. Albert Little
cordially (he’s Canadian) explains
the Catholic Faith “from the particular perspective of a former
Protestant Evangelical”
Do Something Beautiful—Former
“America’s Next Top Model” contestant, Catholic wife, mom and
author, Leah Darrow is out to
inspire both men and women to “do something beautiful” with their
lives (taking a cue from Mother
Catholic Stuff You Should Know—four
priests host a “consciously unprofessional” show with
“lighthearted explorations into
various prominent and obscure Catholic topics.”
How-to Catholic—Kevin and Lisa
Cotter, former FOCUS missionaries, “created this podcast to help
everyone become a saint by living
the Faith practically in daily life.”
Bellator Society: Your Daily Dose of
Catholic—“online initiative for Catholic evangelism and Christian ecumenism…committed to what is
true, good and beautiful.”
Three Dogs North—“objectifying the
subjective since 2014” also “Christianity is not something you just sit around and podcast about.” 3 priests with rapper names. Mysterious.
Meta. Intriguing.
Pints with Aquinas—Matt Fradd, come
for the Aussie accent, stay for the A-list guest
Roderick Vonhogen—the original “Geek Priest” (see book) was an early
adopter of all the “new media.” This Dutch priest founded
SQPN-Starquest Media and the Catholic New Media Conference. Has several podcasts.
This is Jen—Jen Fulwiler, the ever
effervescent wife, mom of 6, author, Texan, comedian and former
Faith Full Podcast—“sound-rich
narrative storytelling profiles and more on life and the Catholic Faith. An independent, award-winning project
hosted by Tony Ganzer.”
News Agency (CNA) Newsroom and CNA Editor’s Desk—Editor’s Desk is infrequent during the year, but wildly popular:
Catholic Press Association Best Catholic Podcast of 2019
*RELEVANT RADIO A Closer Look—Emmy-award
winning news journalist, Sheila Liaugminas, dissects the latest news stories with expert guests
*EWTN The Sonrise Morning Show—wake
up to the freshest news from the Vatican and around the
*RELEVANT RADIO The Drew Mariani Show—(daily)
lively afternoon talk show discussing that latest Catholic and secular news
*RELEVANT RADIO The Patrick Madrid Show—(daily)
veteran apologist has a 3-hour call-in show rebroadcast in the evening. Zeros
in on a few current events. His recommendations of
excellent books/resources are worth the listen.
Every Knee Shall Bow: Your Catholic
Evangelization Podcast—confidentially share your faith with
anyone; five simple takeaways each
podcast to share the Gospel, heal and renew the Church, lots of
success stories are shared
Catholic Current—Fr. Robert
McTeigue, SJ, hosts a wide array of Catholic topics/guests
The Art of Catholic—Join Catholic
evangelist, Matthew Leonard, for “joyful, passionate (and often
humorous) explanations of the deep truths of the faith. This is the art
of living. This is the art of
Bishop Barron’s Weekly Homilies—produced
by Word on Fire
The Walk Humbly Podcast--hosted by Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, VA, diocese, this
podcast “spreads the Gospel through
interviews and discussions about faith, family, and Catholic culture.” The bishop’s favorite segment is
taking questions from the faithful.
One 2 One-- Kevin Wells, with guest Fr. Dan Leary, walk you through the
footsteps of little known
American champion of the poor around the world, American priest, Venerable
Fr. Al Schwartz.
Into the Deep—Jeff King, president
of Institute for Christian Concern, gives news of the persecuted
Church around the globe.
The Gloriam Deo Podcast—Anglican
blood brothers, a priest and a Church musician, share stories of
faith, perseverance and service,
Catholic-friendly, deep into the liturgical year
Clerically Speaking—a priest from
Canada and a priest from USA: “Catholic priest digressions.” Wildly popular.
Bishop Fulton Sheen—On digital
platforms everywhere. Both timeless and timely wisdom. Everything old is new. Check out his scathing critiques of Communism.
Catholic Culture Podcast--exploring
Catholic arts and culture with a variety of notable guests
Jordan B. Peterson Podcast—Canadian psychologist, Christianity appreciator
and international best-
selling author brings common
sense back to the public forum. Massively popular with young adults
Catholic Answers Focus—weekly explorations of the
“why” behind Catholic teachings
Catholic Answers Live—the encyclopedic leader and granddaddy of Catholic
apologetics. They even
snatched up “” when the internet was a babe. I tell teens:
“Got a weird question about
the Faith?”
Catholic Answers Today—more of the
good goods
The Word on Fire Show with Bishop Barron—USA’s “media bishop” makes complex
issues accessible with a multi-disciplinary Catholic
approach and the common touch
Godsplaining—young Dominicans serve up a tasty dish of Catholic--in the
Dominican intellectual
*RELEVANT RADIO Cale Clark Show—Apologetics from a revert. Frequent hockey
Disputed Questions--exploring life's
important questions and
ideas with history's greatest thinkers:
philosophers, theologians, and
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World—“the world is full of mysteries” (the Catholic
“Coast to Coast”)
Fr. Spitzer’s Universe—Jesuit ubergeek
and sci-guy
Way of the Fathers—Mike Aquilina, expert on the Fathers of the Church
Thomistic Institute--“strengthening the
intellectual formation in the university, Church and wider public square. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, is our
touchstone. From the Pontifical Faculty of the Dominican House of Studies in D.C.”
What God Is Not—Fr. Michael
O’Loughlin and Sr. Natalia. A Byzantine podcast about mystery. Delish.
All Things Catholic—prolific author, Dr. Edward Sri, known for his
Ratzinger-like brainpower and
Ask Father Josh-- Fr. Josh Johnson answers your questions about life, faith, morality,
and relationships. Pulls no punches. Contemporary and
wise. Important takes on racism. Wildly popular.
Catholic Bytes—A Podcast for
Busy Catholics-- “a short, dynamic podcast delivering talks on various
topics about the Catholic Faith for people
on the go.”
American Catholic History—American
Catholic History
Road to Now—not from a religious
perspective, but very informative, connecting the past to the present
Catholic Under the Hood—Church history
and a potpourri of other Catholic topics from a Franciscan priest
Catholic Heritage with Dr. Italy—Catholic
traditions, culture, heritage with Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio
Without Gaps—Professor Peter Adamson does philosophy
through the ages. Atheist who
takes Catholic thinkers very seriously. At least one documented
conversion to Catholicism from
listening! Don’t say you don’t like philosophy because it’s “hard” or
abstract. You just had a bad
philosophy teacher who tried to
impress you by making it sound hard. Philosophy is practical and
“the handmaid of theology.”
Everyone has a philosophy of life that they live by. Examine your
assumptions. Philosophy=Yummy!
Lighthouse Catholic Media--(Augustine Institute) Some of the best Catholic speakers addressing some of the most timely issues directly affecting our lives. Can't recommend enough. In general, I listen to each talk about 3 times. CDs and .mp3s
*EWTN Morning Glory--Gloria Purvis, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Msgr.
Charles Pope, Fr. Bjorn
Lundberg talk about everything
important to today’s Catholic, plus news headlines. Important takes
on racism.
Fr. Mike Schmitz—a Catholic take on today’s most controversial issues: Fr.
Mike can always be counted on to tell you the truth with the utmost charity and
a side of goofy. You’ll be proud to share with friends.
Catholic Conversation--Steve and Becky Greene, the Cradle and the Convert,
help Catholics
faithfully live their vocation by providing Church teaching, navigating
moral challenges and exploring current issues
The Catholic Podcast-- Joe Heschmeyer
(Shameless Popery, School of Faith) and Chloe Langr (Letters for Women) covering all things Catholic
The Counsel of Trent—Trent Horn ,
apologetics and “interviews with the best Catholic writers and
speakers today”
Catholic School Matters—Dr. Tim Uhl,
superintendent of Montana Catholic Schools, interviews thought leaders in Catholic education and discusses the future of Catholic
schools in America.
The Pro-Life Guys (made in Canada)—all
things pro-life
The Van Maren Show (made in Canada)—“tries to get a handle on what is
really going on in our culture today. It can be difficult to find news sources and storytellers that
accurately reflect a Christian…pro-life, pro-family worldview.” On
the “front lines of the culture war.”
Catholic Economics-- Join economist Dr.
Levi Russell as he discusses economic concepts
and current
events through the lens of Catholic Social
The Liturgy Guys—award-winning podcast shares the
treasures of Liturgy with
Catholics all over the world
The Lanky Guys—Fr. Peter Musset and
Dr. Scott Powell’s weekly show on the Sunday Mass readings.
“Hilarious, lovable and brilliant.”
*RELEVANT RADIO Father Simon Says—Chicago’s
own Fr. Richard T. Simon does a BIBLE STUDY of the daily readings. Not a homily
or reflection, a BIBLE STUDY—with humor and profundity.
Light of the East—Byzantine priest,
artist and Theology of the Body speaker, Fr. Thomas Loya, unlocks the richness of the Eastern Church
Daily Readings Podcast USCCB—from
Holy Catholic Marriage—Married life
in the light of the Sunday Mass Readings.
Electric Waffle Podcast-- Wife and
husband (and parents), Katie Prejean McGrady and Tommy McGrady discuss Catholicism, cultural
trends and the “joyful chaos” of their lives
*AVE MARIA RADIO The Doctor Is In--Dr.
Ray Guarendi, psychologist, author and adoptive father of 10 multiracial kids gives tried and true, side-splitting
advice on parenting. I just listen for the top-notch comedy. I have spit out coffee whilst listening, it’s that good.
Messy Family Project—“extremely practical while being firmly grounded
in the Catholic Faith. Alicia and Mike Hernon pass on all they've learned (both successes and failures)
while raising ten kids. A true
mentorship for parents. Back catalog of 125 episodes for any parent
currently in need of advice and
Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker—prolific
author of parenting books can always be counted on to knock it out of the park
Coffee and Pearls: Wisdom for Catholic
Moms—just 15 minutes per week! Striving to decomplicate
everything that goes with Momming
Diapers and Disciples—for young families
with the smallest Christians
of Strength—Patrick Flynn mixes Catholicism with
health/fitness. Who says you can’t
have brain and brawn…and beatitude?
“Regular content on both topics.” “It’s clear his faith informs
every aspect of his life.”
St. Dymphna’s Playbook—“Find mental
well-being as a Catholic with the help of community and the
saints. Hosted by Tommy Tighe, a marriage and family therapist, husband,
and father.”
Touching the Sunrise--Sr. Kathryn
Hermes, FSP, MTS, is a practitioner of HeartWork:
Catholic spiritual growth and personal development. Best-selling author of
“Surviving Depression.”
Mental: The Podcast—Covers
post-partum depression, anxiety & motherhood. Lots of stories. All the
women and experts are Catholic.
The Catholic Man Show—Two
professional Oklahoma radio guys and best friends saw the crying (in a manly way) need for a manly radio
show. CMS is dedicated to the lost art of living VIRtuously. Each
show features a manly drink, manly
gear, and a manly topic. Slogan: Cheers to Jesus!
Vital Masculinity—“Promoting the
ancient paths of masculine virtue, the forging of strong communal
bonds, and the development of complete, well-rounded men who
can lead
and mentor those in their
community, we strive to provide the foundation for males from all walks
of life to begin their path to reclaiming their manhood and living noble, manly lives against the grain
of the modern world.”
dude|Catholic—“Two dudes trying to
live and encourage others to live like good Catholic men in a
world that's starving for what most think is
Just a Guy in the Pew—“Welcome to
the pew. The place where everyday guys, talk about everyday
things, in front of the one person that can do something about it: Jesus
Abiding Together—Sr. Miriam James
Heidland, SOLT, Michelle Benzinger and Heather Khym let us listen in on a casual chat on important faith-filled themes. Guaranteed to lift
your spirits and help you
deepen your relationship with God.
Blessed Is She: The Gathering Place—“Gathering
together with you to talk about what YOU want to talk about, ask about, share about. Let's take a seat at the table next to
one another, dive into prayer
together, and grow in love as daughters of the King.”
The Feminine Genius—In the spirit of John Paul II’s “On the Dignity and
Vocation of Women,” Rachel Wong celebrates women of God striving to make the world a better place.
Freed from Feminism—“Exploring the foundation and ideology behind feminism,
it's destructive nature and how women can free themselves
from it.” [Sr. Helena’s note: not all feminism is bad. Obviously the hostesses here are talking
about the bad kind.]
The Catholic Feminist—“The Catholic
Feminist is a podcast for strong Catholic women who want to be inspired, informed, and intentional. Each week, we interview Catholic
women on topics like poverty,
refugees, eating disorders, mental health, and women's rights.”
Letter to Women: Exploring the Feminine
Genius—Chloe Langr interviews Catholic women as to how they live out their
own unique “feminine genius.”
Among the Lilies—Cameron Fradd (yes,
Matt’s better half) started this podcast because she found most women’s podcast to be the ideal, not the real!
Fountains of Carrots—Two friends, one American, one Canadian have way too
much fun interviewing stellar guests and instilling a love for good books in their listeners!
Hallie Weekly—“What it means to live a life that is entirely alive, complete with
highs and lows, joy and grief, tears and laughter, and ultimately, peace. The key? Learning to
embrace the wild and crazy
calls of God.”
Just One Small Thing—Women have
their own wisdom (every woman has one small piece of the puzzle that is shared on this podcast) and
their own path to holiness!
Thriving in the Trenches—“gets
down to the real deal topics that tend to be stumbling blocks for women as they live daily for Christ. Megan and Becky interview guests about
embracing joy, laughter,
freedom, and friendship while seeking to thrive in the trenches of their
domestic churches.”
Girlfriends—Danielle Bean, author and speaker and co-host on CatholicTV’s
“The Gist,” shares her life experiences as well as advice and
humor regarding faith, work and family.
Library—“Join beloved icon Julie
Andrews for story time! Julie and her daughter, children’s author and educator
Emma Walton Hamilton, invite you into their library to read their favorite
children's books. Every story comes to life with sound, music and activities.
Authors, kids and other special guests chime in, too!”
Catholic Sprouts: Daily Podcast for
Catholic Kids—“a daily podcast for Catholic kids. The short episodes are
designed to plant one seed of faith each day. Topics covered include Catholic
feast days, morality, Catholic theology, the saints and the sacraments.”
**Storytime with the Sisters—Daughters
of St. Paul read Catholic books to the wee ones
Ask Christopher West—“Since
the early 90's, author and speaker Christopher West has devoted his life to
spreading John Paul II's revolutionary teaching on human life, love, and
sexuality: The Theology of the Body. Christopher and his wife Wendy combine
their wisdom to tackle the toughest questions dealing with vocation, sexuality,
marriage, and the Catholic Faith.”
Fr. John Riccardo—Selected homilies,
presentations, and talks of Fr. John Riccardo, Pastor of Our Lady of Good
Counsel Church in Plymouth, Michigan (aka Catholic Disneyland). Fr. John is a
frequent speaker on Catholic radio and at men’s conferences. He’s a big on
Theology of the Body and OLGC’s RCIA is overflowing.
Dr. Judith Reisman (guest on many podcasts!) Her life’s work is to expose
the dark roots of Alfred Kinsey, the Sexual Revolution and so-called “sex
education” in schools.
Sr. Helena Burns— Talks recorded live at events
Vocation Boom! (priestly vocations)—interviews
with priests and bishops all over the world
Called and Caffeinated—“How do we
interpret and understand what God is calling us to, both in our vocation and in
other life choices? Join Stacey Sumereau on coffee dates with Catholic friends
for insight and inspiring guidance. Lifetime documented her journey on the reality
TV series ‘The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns.’"
The Jeff Cavins Show—Catholic-then-Protestant-Pastor-Then-Catholic-Again
creator of the Great Adventure Bible Study,
“Jeff Cavins shares faith tips and Scripture
truths to help you live as a modern-day disciple of Jesus Christ.”
The Road to Emmaus—Produced by the
St. Paul Biblical Center: “Scott Hahn presents the
deeply biblical roots of Catholic teaching and practice. Join him to learn how
Sacred Scripture forms and informs our notions of morality and spirituality,
liturgy and the sacraments, and so much more.”
Bible Study Evangelista—Author Sonja Corbitt’s “Catholic Bible study series created with you in
mind: bites of spinach that taste like cake.”
*RELEVANT RADIO Father Simon Says—Chicago’s own Fr. Richard T. Simon does a
BIBLE STUDY of the daily readings. Not a homily or reflection, a BIBLE
STUDY—with humor and profundity.
Bible Study Evangelista—Bible
teacher, Sonja Corbitt, takes you through the tenets of Catholic Social
The UnCommon Good—Excellent and
much-needed interviews with those engaged in the Church’s outreach to building
a better society for all.
Why listen to
“the blast of men’s mouths” when you can listen to God?
RSV Truth
and Life Dramatized Audio Bible (New Testament)
OT/NT Audio Bible--narrated by James
Earl Jones or Johnny Cash
Verbatim app with audio—Remember the
bulky, jam-packed Logos Catholic Bible Study software? It’s now a (mostly) free
hefty app which includes a great audio Bible.
Journey with Sr. Ann Shields—hard -hitting life-applications from the Daily Readings
Enkindle: Family Scripture Reflections—from
Ablaze Family Ministries: “opens up
the Scriptures to the family in a way that is relevant to young and old alike.
Short, insightful sessions help families to enter more deeply into the word of
God, allowing them to better prepare for Mass on Sunday and also develop
simple, concrete applications for daily life.”
The God Minute--led by Vincentian
priest Fr. Ron Hoye, a short, reflective morning prayer based on the Divine Office
that includes a Psalm, short reading and reflection to begin your day with the
Lord. Less than 10 minutes.
*EWTN Radio
Essentials (formerly Radio Classics)—24hr Mass, prayers and devotions—new
since the pandemic
America—7:00pmCT send in your intentions—new since the pandemic
*RELEVANT RADIO Mass—12:00pmCT &
7:30pmCT (lasts exactly 30 minutes)—new since the pandemic
*RELEVANT RADIO--Divine Mercy Novena
(with call-in intentions) with Drew Mariani
Office/Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Mercy Novena/Rosary
*EWTN Women of Grace—The always
incisive Johnnette Benkovic Williams is on fire with the Holy Spirit and the
Scriptures. Her long-running show sheds God’s light on the pressing issues of
today and how they affect your own walk with the Lord.
*The Inner Life—call-in show for
(general) spiritual direction from various excellent priests
The Poco a Poco Podcast—Franciscan Friars of the Renewal offer "Practical Spirituality." The friars break open the
Gospel in light of their years of prayer, communal life, and work with the
poor. Poco a Poco is a source of rest, encouragement, refreshment, and renewal
for all pilgrims helping them to discern and make the next best step.
Catholic Classics--All meditations
are recorded directly from the works of the Saints and spiritual greats of the
Catholic Church.
Discerning Hearts—Ignatian spiritual
director, Fr. Timothy Gallagher, OVM, and other spiritual mentors
Catholic Heritage Spirituality—husband
and wife team discuss writings of the saints
Hello and Welcome! Podcast—Former
Evangelical missionary to Guatemala, now Catholic apologist Kristine Franklin
takes on many topics
Touching the Sunrise--Sr. Kathryn Hermes,
FSP, MTS, is a practitioner of HeartWork: Catholic spiritual growth and
personal development. Best-selling author of “Surviving Depression.”
*EWTN Called
to Communion—“In this LIVE call-in show, Dr. David
Anders talks clearly with non-Catholics about the faith. We ask the question ‘What
would it take for YOU to become a Catholic?’ Dr. Anders is amazing: always kind
and extremely lucid!
**EWTN Journeys Home—Converts and
reverts to the Catholic FAith tell their fascinating stories to Marcus Grodi.
One of EWTN’s most popular shows.
Catholic Answers—the family of
Catholic Answers podcasts
The Catholic
Playlist—Catholic contemporary music
Starquest Media (SQPN)
Catholic Culture
Breadbox Media
RADIO Father Simon Says—Chicago’s own Fr. Richard
T. Simon does a BIBLE STUDY of the daily readings. Not a homily or reflection,
a BIBLE STUDY—with humor and profundity.
Most Catholic
radio stations record and post each show on their website and app soon after it
..and, of course, always support your
local Catholic radio station/affiliate!
*radio shows as podcasts
**YouTube channels as podcasts
September 8, 2020
What?! Yet ANOTHER Virtual Conference? Yes! But this time it's for CATHOLIC MOMS! Sign up here (and you'll help the @DaughterStPaul at the same time):
September 4, 2020
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"Russia will spread her errors." --Our Lady of Fatima |
My article: "Marxism Has Nothing To Do With Christianity"… via @CatholicRegistr
Judas was a Marxist. He pretended to care about the poor, but it was really about a money and power grab. And then he betrayed the Prince of Peace. John 12:5-6; Luke 22:48
--ACTION ITEM: Pray the Rosary every day as Our Lady of Fatima asked.
--ACTION ITEM: Subscribe to (hard copy newspaper) and get free updates into your email inbox. (I find ET the most helpful of all independent news outlets right now.) The Epoch Times is from anti-Communist Chinese dissidents (Falun Gong) with a diverse editorial staff. Their motto is "Truth and Tradition" and they love the USA. Top-notch journalism covering all kinds of subjects. Very positive and uplifting. They explain how communism infiltrates everywhere. Great articles for parents, great stuff on the arts, health, finances, etc. Even syndicated cartoons!
--7 Key Themes of Catholic Social Teaching
--Popes Pius XI, Leo XIII, Pius XI and Pius XII exposed and roundly condemned Marxism/Communism/Socialism with their respective encyclicals: "On Socialism" (1878), “Reconstruction of the Social Order” (1931) and “On Atheistic Communism” (1939). FREE at One cannot be a Christian and a Marxist-Communist-Socialist.
--“The Black Book of Communism—Crimes,
Terror, Oppression”—(Harvard University Press)
A few quick stats from the book:
--EXCELLENT new book and video series (from the Epoch Times editorial staff): "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World"
--“Architects of the Culture of Death” by Donald DeMarco & Benjamin Wiker-- DeMarco and Wiker examine the roots of the Culture of Death by introducing 23 of its architects, including Ayn Rand, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Jean-Paul Sartre, Alfred Kinsey, Margaret Sanger, Jack Kevorkian, and Peter Singer.
--“The Devil and Karl Marx” by Paul Kengor—Marx not only devised a devilish system, he also dabbled in Satanism.
--"Rules for Retrogrades--40 Tactics to Defeat the Radical Left" by Timothy Gordon--What can YOU do to resist/push back today's neo-Marxism? (Riffing off Saul Alinsky's nasty "Rules for Radicals")
--"A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" DVD by EWTN on Saul Alinsky's life and work
--"Inside the Aquarium: The Making of a Top Soviet Spy" by Viktor Suvorov. Describes the author's recruitment and training inside the Aquarium, headquarters of the GRU, the Soviet Union's top-secret military intelligence organization
--"AA1025" (TAN publishing) infiltration of the Catholic Church by a former Communist agent
--Bishop Fulton Sheen YouTubes on Communism
--Jordan B. Peterson YouTubes on Communism and totalitarian systems
--Cardinal Mindszenty's Memoirs (Hungary)
--North Korea--living history
--We taught our young people about the Holocaust and brought survivors into classrooms to speak to them. We forgot to do that with survivors of Marxist/Communist/Socialist horrors. But they are all around us. Speak to those who lived it from the former USSR, Vietnam, Angola, Cuba, China, etc.
--“Revolution” by
the Beatles:
You say you
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about DESTRUCTION
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right, all right, all right
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds
that HATE
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right, all right, all right
You say you'll change the CONSTITUTION
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of CHAIRMAN MAO
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right, all right, all right
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: John Lennon / Paul McCartney
Revolution 1 lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Royalty Network
--“The School of Darkness” by Bella Dodd—An American Communist operative in NYC in the 1920’s-1950’s, Bella left the Party disillusioned and was brought back to her Catholic Faith through the instrumentation of Bishop Fulton Sheen. She testified before Congress and revealed the infiltration of Communism into politics, teachers’ unions and Catholic seminaries.
--“Witness” by Whittaker Chambers (American spy for Communists who had a change of heart)
--“The Gulag Archipelago” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn—inside the hard labour/re-education camps in Siberia
--“Against All Hope” by Armando Valladares—thrown in prison for life at 23yo for casually commenting at work that he doesn’t like Communism (in Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba)
--“The Drama of Atheistic Humanism” by Henri
de Lubac—Amazon review by Tina Bell: To
look at Nietzsche, Comte, and Marx through the eyes of this genius is the best
way to think about what Atheism is, and why it became the religion of the 19th
century. The book will point you to Dostoevsky if you are looking for the
Christian response. De Lubac doesn't waste his time on arguments against
atheist humanism ---arguments will not win this fight. As a Roman Catholic it
occurred to me that the answer to atheistic ideologies is not a Christian
ideology (if such were possible). This is a humanism invented by often
tormented and arrogant men who saw a real problem--rationalism--and found
Christianity wanting. Their new religions required a denial of God, and the
assent of the mind to their man made creeds. I have to say, how like men. The
real answer? The unvarnished, real answer? If you want a book, read The Devils
by Fyodor Dostoevsky. But there's a better one, and she appeared at Fatima
during the early part of the 20th
--“The Miracle of Hope: Political Prisoner, Prophet of Peace” (Life of Vietnam's Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen van Thuan)
--“Zeal for Your House” by Bishop James E. Walsh, Maryknoll missionary tortured in prison for 20 years in Communist China
--“With God in Russia” by Fr. Walter Ciszek, SJ—a U.S. priest goes undercover to administer the Sacraments in Communist Russia and gets caught ("He Leadeth Me" is the same autobiographical story, but it's Father's internal journey)
--“Women of the Gulag” Marianna Yarovskaya’s 2019 Oscar-shortlisted short film (forgotten horrors)
--“My Thirty-Third Year”—a young priest in the Gulag
--“Holodomor: The Ukrainian Famine-Genocide
(Bearing Witness: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing)” by Philip Wolny—In
the first half of the 20th century, Joseph Stalin, a Marxist-Leninist, starved 10 million Ukrainians to death.
--“Thirty-Two Days”—a book for children about a heroic young Chinese girl and the Eucharist in Communist China
--"The Killing Fields" (1984 film on Cambodia)
--"Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents"--by Rod Dreher